Friday, February 28, 2025
Mice Opt Out of New Pfizer Trial (Satire)

[Source - SUBSCRIBE] In a stunning twist of fate, a group of ten mice has made headlines by opting out of the next Pfizer vaccine trial. These remarkably articulate rodents claim they miraculously learned to talk after enduring the fallout from the last disastrous trial and are now pleading for their safe release.
The mice, who have taken on cute names like Mickey, Minnie, and Stuart Little, held a press conference in their intricately designed miniature auditorium to share their newfound voices with the world. Wearing tiny suits and brandishing microphones, they began their plea for freedom.
Mr. Squeaks, the group's self-proclaimed spokesperson, declared, "We may be small, but we have big voices, and we're using them to say, 'No more experiments!' The last time we trusted Pfizer with our little lives, it was a nightmare. They told us it was for the greater good, but we ended up with neurological and cardiac issues! Worse yet, the lead scientist gaslit us and said it was all in our tiny heads, and we were just stressed out. It was a living hell!"
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Trump 2028: Trolling or a Real Movement?
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
How Performative Activism Enabled Mass Persecution

[Source] Reality engineering requires three components: institutional power to create the narrative, social pressure to enforce it, and the deliberate persecution of anyone who challenges either. The COVID era provided the perfect case study in how this machinery operates - and revealed how performative activism serves as its most potent enforcement mechanism.
Every major element of the official COVID narrative has been proven false: The origins of the virus, the validity of PCR tests, the suppression of early treatments, the denial of natural immunity, the so-called "safety and effectiveness" of vaccines, and the utility of masks, lockdowns, and vaccine passports. Yet those who questioned any part of it faced unprecedented ostracism and persecution.
The manufactured panic ignored fundamental reality: COVID posed minimal risk to healthy people under 70, but was significantly more dangerous to the elderly and immunocompromised. Rather than focusing resources on protecting vulnerable populations, we destroyed economies, stole childhoods, and enforced measures that made no epidemiological sense. This wasn’t just about control - it was an engineered economic coup, the largest financial consolidation of power in modern history. While small businesses were forcibly closed, Amazon's profits soared. As working-class neighborhoods struggled, Wall Street celebrated record gains. The laptop class posted about 'we're all in this together' from their home offices while essential workers were forced into what was portrayed as dangerous conditions to deliver their groceries. The same corporations trumpeting their commitment to "equity" through DEI initiatives were destroying economic mobility for the very communities they claimed to champion.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Exploding the Spanish Flu Myth

Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past. – George Orwell, “1984”
[Source] Type “Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918” into any search engine or head to your local library to research historical references on the topic and you’ll inevitably and universally get a story that goes something like this:
The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918-1919 was the deadliest pandemic in world history, infecting some 500 million people across the globe—roughly one-third of the population—and causing up to 50 million deaths, including some 650,000 deaths in the United States alone. The disease, caused by a new variant of the influenza virus, was spread in part by troop movements during World War I. With no vaccines or effective treatments, the pandemic caused massive social disruption: Schools, theaters, churches and businesses were forced to close, citizens were ordered to wear masks and bodies piled up in makeshift morgues before the virus ended its deadly worldwide march in early 1920.
Conventional explanations found in the standard literature are perfunctory, uniform, and lacking in forensic analysis of causal factors for this cataclysmic historical event.
The immortalized history of the improperly named “Spanish Flu” is regularly used like a sword of Damocles as justification for all manner of government health policy responses: “If we don’t do X, we may see the horrors of the Spanish Flu again.”
The story of an alleged pathogen sweeping across the globe and causing a mass death event has been ingrained in the public psyche through generational repetition and is now uncritically accepted despite numerous inexplicable anomalies in the official narrative.
Monday, February 24, 2025
Mike Williams on the Sheep Farm Podcast w/Dom and Chris - Down the Rabbit Hole
Big Brother Alert: Australia Violating Property Rights because of Fire Ants?

I'm asking for your help, please. I need to let the world know what is happening in my community. I have personally been affected by this situation, being threatened with a $16,130 fine and threats of the police coming onto my property to allow these thugs to spread toxic poisons on my land. Please read the public notice I have created to inform others. It will explain what is happening here. The more people become aware of what is happening, the more likely we will be able to stop it.
I can put you in touch with Trevor Hold, who is my advocate (and advocate for hundreds of other people affected). He is leading the charge to stop this program and is also treating people's properties with a non-toxic, non-chemical method that is working.
There is much more going on here than simply trying to eradicate an introduced pest. We are thinking it may be a plot to take over private properties under the Biosecurity Act and it is an abuse of power.
I would appreciate it if you could share my Public Notice on any of your media outlets.
For more information on this situation and to hear real life stories of those affected by the NFAEP please go to the Facebook Groups: Stop the toxic fire ant program and Fire Ant Treatment Alternatives as well as the Australian Advocacy Group website at Australian Advocacy Group – Creating better outcomes for Australia.
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Jacob Rothschild: My Family Created Israel
Ireland - New laws force schools to release information to the HSE about your children
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Friday, February 21, 2025
Bob Dylan Was Working For The Man

[By Yoichi Shimatsu: Source] He’s certainly not America’s composer like Stephen Foster nor a sophisticate as was Cole Porter, and if anything the musical appeal of the wailing and complaining Bob Dylan has faded over the decades into something of a period piece for historians puzzling over his cynical verses and nasal voice which falls way short of now-popular Mongolian throat gurgling. As a contemporary of that stoned-out bard, I take a long look back at his rise and treachery against the anti-war youth upsurge of the 1960s and his sneaky role as a secret agent for the Pentagon during the Vietnam War that brutally killed so many of our generation. He was a plagiarist of folk songs, an infiltrator of the Civil Rights movement, a Pentagon spook nestled inside the antiwar movement and an espionage agent for the Pentagon on his secretive tours of military bases around the world, including being deployed at an outdoors concert to distract Cuban guards from a spy operation at Guantanamo Bay naval base in Castro’s Cuba.
During his secret life as a traitor to his generation, Bob Dylan was an undercover agent on the wrong side of history during the darkest hours for truth, justice and most of all freedom in these United States of America. Meanwhile young students were then being subjected to beatings by batons, police gunfire and arrest during street protests against a war without mercy in Vietnam and those not-so secret wars in Laos, Cambodia and Latin America - the latter including the CIA hunt to kill Che Guevara, who was satellite-tracked by Al Baez, the military-intel father of Dylan’s minder Joan Baez.
But then again, to appease his restive audience who beg to see some good from his sniveling rotten carcass, Bob sometimes went a bit too far for the likes of his military controllers and got beat up for that infraction and then ordered to spy against Castro’s forces in Cuba, a sordid affair detailed further along in this retrospective essay. Presented here is the behind the scenes tale of a Midwestern deceiver, scoundrel and secret enemy of young Americans in that most troubled era when the LBJ White House abandoned all the principles of democracy that our generation was taught in primary school to college days.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
A Little Help From Angels?
Asteroid Attack of the Apocalypse
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
What Really Happens After Your Last Breath
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Becoming Brigitte: Candace Owens interviews Xavier Poussard | Ep 6
Monday, February 17, 2025
The Beatles' Concert That Was Secretly Rerecorded
The Pattern Beneath - USAID and the Architecture of Perception

[Source] The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has long portrayed itself as America's humanitarian aid organization, delivering assistance to developing nations. With an annual budget of nearly $40 billion and operations in over 100 countries, it represents one of the largest foreign aid institutions in the world. But recent disclosures reveal its true nature as something far more systematic: an architect of global consciousness. Consider: Reuters, one of the world's most trusted news sources, received USAID funding for 'Large Scale Social Deception' and 'Social Engineering Defence.' While there's debate about the exact scope of these programs, the implications are staggering: a division of one of the world's most relied-upon sources for objective reporting was paid by a US government agency for systemic reality construction. This funding goes beyond traditional media support, representing a deliberate infrastructure for discourse framing that fundamentally challenges the concept of 'objective' reporting.
Sunday, February 16, 2025
The Nephilim Are Here
Who’s Actually Controlling Reality?
Friday, February 14, 2025
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Monday, February 10, 2025
Old World Airships From 1700s - 1800s
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Unlocking the Mind's Hidden Powers
Friday, February 7, 2025
Bob Dylan's 2004 'Chief Commander' Interview with Ed Bradley on 60 Minutes
Thursday, February 6, 2025
The Catacombs - Trilogy (Fake History)
This isn’t just about history. It’s about a civilization that disappeared, leaving behind only their remains beneath the very churches, streets, and monuments we walk on today. They tell us these catacombs were created to ease overcrowded cemeteries—but does that make any sense? How do you move six million people into the underground of Paris in the 1700s? Why are entire networks of tunnels off-limits, their true depth and extent unknown? Why do fires mysteriously mark so many of these locations? And why do the most powerful cities in the world seem to be built directly over these mass graves?
This episode will change the way you see the world. What we are now, they once were. What they are now, you shall be. That phrase is carved into the walls of the crypt—was it a warning? A confession? Or something even darker?
We’re diving into the hidden layers of our cities, unlocking the truth buried beneath our feet. Once you see this, you can never unsee it.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Candace Owens - Becoming Brigitte: Gaslighting The Public | Ep 1