Thursday, February 29, 2024

Ukraine exposed as a CIA-MI6 beachhead

Catherine Austin Fitts - Snap Out of the Big Bank and Big Tech Trance

Hollywood Walk of Shame (Occult Pentagrams)

Graphene Oxide & Hydro Gel Used In Dentistry?

The Secrets Of Sound Exposed By Film Director Mikki Willis

The Great Sphinx's True Identity Decoded?

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

What the Media Won't Tell You About LORD JACOB ROTHSCHILD


FREE $10,000 PRE-PAID Debit Cards to Illegals


ER Nurse Speaks Out

The CIA Murdered The 1st Amendment

Impossible Feats of Engineering Left By Lost Civilisations?

Tunecore Holding Back Artist Royalties?

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Medical Staff Offers Assisted Suicide To Canadian Woman

Gun Confiscation Plan: New Bill Would OUTLAW MIlitias

Rob Reiner, Mae Brussell, Anton LaVey, Occult Clowns

CBDC = One World Government

Max Igan - There is a War For Your Soul

Secret Service Agent Exposes Deep State Plan To Terrorize American Citizens

Gun Control - A Tribe Prerogative

Google Earth is Lying About the Stars

CENTRAL BANKERS Should Go to JAIL for PRINTING CASH Says Argentina's Puppet Milei

Massive Farmers Protest All Across Europe Explained

Monday, February 26, 2024

Tucker Carlson and Steve Kirsch - Hiding Data and Mass Censorship

Former German General and Ex-NATO Official REVEALS the Neocon Lies

The Untold Dark History Of The Adult Film Industry

EPA Experts Admit Fluoride Is Neurotoxic and Can Lower IQ

Race Ruins Everything

Who killed JFK, Zodiac Victims, Sharon Tate, Victor Ohta, Erin Valenti?

Giant Air-Sealed Boxes Found Beneath Giza?

What Are Corporate Ice Breakers?

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Mike Williams - The Beatles' Rubber Soul: The Unofficial Narrative

Sky Trumpets: 5 Frightening Unexplained Sounds from the Sky

Exposing the Devastating & Hidden Reality of US Sanctions

Pentagon Admits Ukraine Aid Unsustainable

Evidence of Ancient Technology - Full Presentation by Ben van Kerkwyk

Jessie Owens at the 1936 Berlin Olympics

Running To Their Bunkers

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Antarctica Disclosure - ROBERT SEPEHR

Global Elite Call For The Banning Of The Bible, Tolkien, and Orwell

Putin Discusses The West

They Shut It Down

Rape Victim Testifies

Putin Interview DESTROYS Years Of NATO Propaganda

Rebecca Grossman, Double Felony "Hit & Run" 2nd degree murders

Friday, February 23, 2024

BANNED by YOUTUBE: David Dees - The Art of Conspiracy (Oct 2014)

Mike Williams with John Niems - Who Owns Us?

America Is Not a Free Country

How Public Health Disgraced Itself

Tavistock Inc. Announce FOUR New Beatles Bio-Pics In Production


Mysteries Beneath the Ice: The Secrets of Antarctica

JOHN LENNON'S HAUNTED MANSION - John & Yoko's Real Estate Empire

You've Woken Up, Now What?

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Sex Habits of Our Fellow Americans

Cancer Secrets

Dr. David Martin Reveals Who Is Pulling the Strings Behind the World Health Organization

2024: The Year from Political Hell – Martin Armstrong

Superbowl #58, Murder Mayhem, Madness (Masonic)

Corporate America Company Culture

IRS Official: "No Problem Going After Small People, Destroying Lives"

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

80% of Americans POSITIVE For Dangerous Chemical Found in Cheerios, Linked To INFERTILITY

Evidence Shows Bio ID System Has Already Been Deployed

SHOCKING Revelations In The Fluoride Water Lawsuit

Liberty Engine 2.0 - Free Energy for the People

Pilots and the Globe

Nimarata Randhawa (Nikki Haley) Desperate To Save Political Career

JFK Masonic Murder, (Crisis Actors)

Mountain-Sized Tree Fossils In Dakota?

$900 BILLION in Commercial Real Estate Debt Threatens U.S. Banks

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

BANNED by YOUTUBE: Q&A with Ole Dammegård (Nov 2015)

WEF - Criminalize Criticism of mRNA?


Did CHESTER BENNINGTON know too much?


Inflation Causes Food Prices To Skyrocket

Benny Wills - Is It Time To Panic?

Hillary heckled as war criminal

Ice Spice Officially Took The Hollywood Oath

Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Beatles Conspiracy 101

Masonic Military Murder

The Patton Papers

Whitney Webb - It's Information Warfare To Control You

Freemasonry and Saturn Worship

The Holy Land?

5 Unexplained Mysteries at Sea

YouTube unilaterally turning off comments

Saturday, February 17, 2024

PayPal Banned Him, STOLE His Money and Accused Him Of Thought Crimes

Astra Zeneca leaked audio = DOD operation

Agenda To Normalize Pedophilia Accelerates


If You’re A Musician In 2024, You Want To Hear This

What They SECRETLY Said at Super Bowl LVIII

Impossible Pre-Flood Technology Reverse-Engineered?

Friday, February 16, 2024

Origins of the First Europeans - ROBERT SEPEHR

A Hard Day's Doubles - How many Pauls does it take to make a movie?

The Jesus Deception Debate | Adam Green of Know More News

Special Counsel Says Joe Biden Is Demented

Hydrogels as Programmable Human Interface

CBDC Design Options & Plans To Tokenize Your Assets

Lucid Dreams & Nightmares: Ever Dream This Man?

West Sends Ukraine 3D Printers to Make Spare Parts

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Follow Sage of Quay on X (Twitter)

Follow SofQ on Twitter:

Follow Sage of Quay on X (Twitter)

Mike Williams with John Niems - Who Owns Us?

Mike and John discuss the old adage “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

Julie Sutton - Sins of Omission (Original Music)

Pfizer To Rake In Trillions

HAL-9000 Artificial Intelligence, Techno-enslavement


With sustained, national attention now on the border, we provide the latest updates along with documents from the United Nations that put the current crisis in perspective.


Kansas City Chiefs SUPERB-OWL Parade Ritual

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Who Are We Supposed to Believe Is Running the Country?

The Suspicious Death of an Immortal Alchemist

The Illegal Kidnapping and Persecution of Reiner Fuëllmich

Snarky Comment

Dangerous Times

They Are Lying to You About Psychedelics

Globalists Begin Cutting Electricity In Mass

Latest Inflation Numbers Increase

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Chemtrails and what they do (2006 UN Council meeting)


Scientific Slavery: Mind Control for a New World Order

Does this explain Deja vu and the Mandela effect?

Nathanael Kapner on the Tucker/Putin Interview

The Masonic Stupid Bowl

Ataxia - Practice Handwriting Skills

Court Rules Trudeau's Emergency Orders Against Citizens Illegal

Monday, February 12, 2024


Common Law vs Corporate Law

Without access to common law we have no access to our common law rights, and in frustration people are turning to U.N. human rights and trying to claim those instead, as designed. We are being herded like sheep to give up God’s law and embrace a return to world government under the guise of this corporate lawcraft.

Pacification & Control

Our Healthcare System Is Crazy

WWII Encyclopedia

Debunking Marxist Myths About The New World

Two-Tiered Journalism / Two-Tiered Justice System

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Glenn Greenwald - SCOTUS Grills CO Lawyer at Trump Ballot Hearing

Bill Gates - Blacklist Citizens Who Share 'Non-Mainstream' Content Online


Max Igan - The Criminalization of Everything

Clinical Trials...

From clinical trial management to COVID countermeasure whistleblower — Brook Jackson filed suit after witnessing “reckless” patient enrollment, “forging” of informed consent forms, unbinding and other areas that raised concern.

The UCC Head Fake

Interview with Det Chansamone of Schoolyard Studio

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Examples of Fake Mainstream Narratives - Hip Hop and Beatlemania

“This Is Why I Quit RFK Jr.’s Presidential Campaign” – Dennis Kucinich

AI Shows Us What Dead Celebrities Would Look Like If They Were Still Alive Today

'Disease X' Campaign Begins

Top Oncologist Blows Whistle


Future Science Series: The Indoctrinated Brain with Dr. Michael Nehls

Expect More Layoffs This Year

NITROGEN 2000: The Dutch Farmers' Struggle

Friday, February 9, 2024

FULL Interview - Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin

30 Years of Russia Seeking Peace with the West

CBDC will end liberty in the West - Catherine Austin Fitts

Knights Templar | Forbidden History and their Secret Quest for Atlantis

James Corbett - Pay It Forward


Thursday, February 8, 2024

The Beatles and the Occult

Beyond Coincidence - Dr. Chuck Missler (Parts 1 & 2)

In short, this argument persuasively displays the inherent 'obviousness' we have when we come across something that seems to have design and purpose. Upon discovering the watch, it is logical to assume that it did not occur by accident, and that it was placed there by a creator possessing intelligence. And, when considering the incredible complexity of living organisms compared to a watch, the argument is even more persuasive.

Pope Francis Orders Christians To 'Pray to Satan' for 'Real Enlightenment'

Over 10 US Counties Declare...

1967 Summer of Love (Monterey Intl Pop Festival)

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Reallygraceful - Life since the March 2020 "event"

The Desperate Failing Plan for a New American Century

Bank For International Settlements (BIS) To Tokenize Customer Assets Prior to CBDC

Max Igan - Dharma and Purpose

Second Opinion: The Lie of America’s War on Cancer

Tucker Branded “Traitor” Over Moscow Visit

Carlson plays his part in the NWO theater of the absurd.

Why is the VICTIM Mindset So Attractive? - Baggage Claim

The Unseen Consequences of the Federal Kill Switch Mandate

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

James Corbett - The 7th Annual Fake News Awards

Monday morning Ataxia workout


Are You TIRED?

Charles and Friends

Taylor Swift, Music Industry and the NFL: Keeping America Distracted & Brainwashed

Fed Chair Powell Says Economy Is In Trouble

Did this guy just wake up from a 30 year coma?

The Censorship Industrial Complex First Targeted Terrorists, Then They Targeted Us

Monday, February 5, 2024

American Leaders Sign WEF Treaty To Ration Meat, Electricity and Gas

Crash Test: EV Truck Goes Through Guardrail Like Butter

Max Igan - Mass Awareness...

The View gets grilled on White Supremacy | Damon Imani

Shadow Government Architecture

The Didsbury UFO Incident and the Alien Abduction of Lynda Jones

The Dark Secrets of Buddy Holly Came Out After His Death

Sunday, February 4, 2024

The Tartarian Empire - Full Theory Explained

Tartaria (originally pronounced “Tataria” without the first “r”) is the name of the pre-Mongolian empire that originated in northern Asia before spanning the entire northern hemisphere. Great Tartaria was the largest empire during its time and would have still been the largest empire today. The Tartarian empire, flourished due in part to the civilization being a leader in advanced technology, free energy, and grand architecture.

Mike Gaddy - The War of Northern Aggression and Southern Plundering

The GREATEST Japanese Electric Guitar Ever Made

Former Pharma Insider Unveils Big Pharma’s ‘Open Secret’

Beware the Fake Eric Dubays

Life In A Discover Card Call Center

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Get Ready for the Next Great Anti-White Swindle

Hitler and WWII

Taylor Swift and The Illuminati


5 Unsolved Mysteries of the Arctic

Our WORLD Is Being X'D OUT

136% Surge in U.S. Job Cuts

Friday, February 2, 2024

REPLAY DOUBLEHEADER – Mike Williams and Vince Russo - The Beatles Conspiracy

The Difference Between a "Democracy" and "Constitutional Republic"

Pfizer Pays Travis Kelce $20 Million

JOHN & YOKO'S Real Estate Empire

A working-class hero is something to be?

Using the 60up Balance Board with Ataxia

Glastonbury Music Festival, Pyramid Stage

Private Illegal Alien Smuggling Facility

3,000, Six-Fingered Giants Dug-Up On Channel Islands?

The Martians in Antarctica

In the Bible, a strange image is painted when describing the events of the Garden of Eden. In the Garden of Eden account, Samael, the Angel of Mars, is said to have ridden the serpent as the Angel of Death playing a part in corrupting Adam and Eve, the first earthly human beings. This is a metaphorical image depicting an early connection between beings from Mars and the Earth just before the Atlantean continent had risen.

Another Hollywood Ritual?

Thursday, February 1, 2024

How to Become a More Interesting Person

Wokism is Marxism - Dr James Lindsey on Woke Culture

The Deadliest Drug In History

14-Year-Old Girl Collapses on the Basketball Court and Dies

How Cops Try To Fool You

Why Every Country in the World is in Debt