Monday, September 16, 2024

BANNED by YOUTUBE: Dr. Joye - Beguiled Eden to Armageddon (Feb 2015)

The following interview was taken down by YT after 9 years. Support free speech.

Songs Led Zeppelin Ripped-Off

Podcast lifts mask on Israel

How Cops Are Using YOUR Cameras for Stops and Searches

The Nephilim Disclosure - Full Documentary

America Is Not A Democracy, It's All Just For Show

The Giant Disclosure - Full Documentary

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New York Times' Pro-War Think Tank Ties EXPOSED

The Hidden Truth

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Mike Williams (Original Music) 🎵 Late Night Loving 🎵

Late Night Loving was originally written and recorded as a demo in 1982. This version, released in September 2024, is a remake of the original song.

Our Problems Could Be Fixed Overnight

U.S. Pushes to Censor Russian Media Worldwide While Funding Own Propaganda Campaigns

The Rothschild family and the creation of Israel

Data confirms 143,233% increase in cancer cases due to (take a guess) 🤔

Why Are Bands Mysteriously Disappearing?

Not all of the old bands composed all of their music themselves. The Beatles and the Stones, as an example, did not write all their own music. And, Led Zeppelin ripped off a number of old blues songs (and took credit for them). The idea that these bands wrote all of their own material is pop culture brainwashing.

Led Zeppelin Plagiarism: Part 1 and Part 2

Richard Medhurst UN Speech in Geneva on Palestine & the UK's Crackdown on Free Speech

FL Surgeon General Advises AGAINST COVID mRNA Booster

Oldie but Goodie: I Am Not A Flat Earth Secret Agent - Mike Williams & Patricia Steere

Charlie Robinson - The Octopus of Global Control (2018)

The following interview was taken down by YT after 6 years. Support free speech.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Recent Study Shows Self-Assembly Nanobots in the Injectables

C19 - Origins and Planning by Department of Defense (DoD)

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr on Escalating Censorship


Shocking new Israeli prison tapes leak

Kanye confirms the Elite Put Him Under Mind Control

Egyptian Ruins In The Grand Canyon?

What The Number of Your Birthday Says About Your Spiritual Archetype

Inner Earth Unveiled

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Mike Williams on the Crypt Rick Podcast – The Beatles Conspiracy - Part 1 & 2

Zionism is a political movement

Donald Trump - Making Israel Great Again

The Lost City Of Giants

20 trillion dollars of U.S. Taxpayer funds have not been documented or accounted for

A Coded Narrative?

9/11: 23 Years On - A Look at the US War OF Terror and Mass Surveillance

SOMETHING STRANGE IS HAPPENING... Between Springfield, Ohio and Haiti (PART 2)

First We Take Manhattan

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

AARP Propaganda

The second run at 'vaccines' (the sequel) is coming soon to a theater near you. The September 2024 AARP bulletin is loaded up with Covid propaganda to instill fear in the elderly. It's truly disgusting.

"Vaxxident" Vehicle Crashes

Something Strange is Happening in Springfield, Ohio

Germany for the Germans

10 WEIRD GM Muscle Cars

The US Ignores American Killed by Israel

7 Skills Every Man Needs in Life

US Seeks “Super Weapons” to Reign as Sole Superpower

Were Vintage Guitars Really Done Right The First Time?

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Countdown To Cyber Polygon

Jay Dyer: Ancient Transgender Goddess Mystery Religion Is Back

Harris & Trump's Israel Policies Explained

Jordan Maxwell: The World Is A Business

Is Mainstream Media Finally Admitting that Israel Used the Hannibal Directive?

George Carlin's Take on America & Humanity

Google Strategist Exposes Pro-Kamala Manipulation for Ad Revenue and Search Engine Bias

RFK Jr. ADMITS (many times) he is "FIERCELY PRO-JAB"

Monday, September 9, 2024

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Don't look for objective news; look objectively at news

Eugenics, Planned Parenthood and the Rockefellers

Illness by Injection

The US is no longer an independent, sovereign nation

The Embalmer Analysis Results

Germany's BIGGEST Employer Shuts Down Operations

Authorized to Kill

Top 10 Car Dashboards of the 1970s

The Bra-Breast Cancer Conspiracy: Have Women Been Hoodwinked

Sage of Quay Blog

[Source] Presently, Americans spend roughly 20 billion dollars a year on bras,12 which is remarkable given that prior to a century ago (the 1910s, to be precise13), almost no one wore them (whereas now between 80% to 90% of women do).

In turn, almost every woman assumes bras are something women have always worn and are not aware of the massive marketing campaign the fashion industry did to normalize this practice (which was essentially done as a pivot because they could no longer sell corsets to women).14

Since women have never worn bras for most of human history, it raises a simple question. Might there be any downsides to the practice?


Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Luciferian Doctrine Explained - ROBERT SEPEHR

1980s Gadgets Everyone Dreamed of Having

Venezuelan Gangs Sent to America By Design

The Root Causes of High Blood Pressure

Surveillance: The New Normal

Ice Spice's Sold Her Soul For Fame?

Dennis Kucinich heading back to Congress?

10 Old Chevy Cars That Time Forgot

Censored Historian Reveals the Dark Truths Behind America's Greatest Figures and Events

Friday, September 6, 2024

Polio and Gaza

The Link between Parasites And Cancer

Liberating Americans from America


Pandemic Babies and Polio Peace

This week on the New World Next Week: Facebook partner admits to "Active(ly) Listening" to you through your phone; the Israelis and Palestinians agree to a ceasefire so WHO workers can jab gazan kids; and pandemic babies are showing developmental problems as they head to school for the first time.

15 Forgotten American Muscle Cars

Why Vince Russo is no longer a fan of Pro Wrestling

Jordan Maxwell | Dogmatic Theology

Click to listen to Part 2 and Part 3.

Macron's Refuses To Accept Election Results

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Cathy O’Brien: MK Ultra Survivor (Interview)

Medical Board Suspends Doctor's License After Releasing Study

UK Labor Party is Literally a Soviet-Era Joke


Jordan Maxwell | Out Of Place Artifacts & The Council of Nine

Everything Will Change In 2025

If You Notice These Signs In Your Life

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Jordan Maxwell | History of Zionism

The Bombing of Dresden (WWII)

5 Steps To a Communist Takeover

James Corbett - The Media Conspiracy

17th Amendment: Did It Destroy The Constitution?

20 UGLIEST Cars Of The 1980's

Bombshell Report Reveals Government Conspiracy To Defraud Homeowners

Kansas SUES PFIZER For Lying

Jordan Maxwell | Out Of Place Artifacts & The Council of Nine

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

A Deliberately Wasted Life


The Deep State Target List

The Overpopulation Theory That Fell Flat

Overpopulation is hoax. The narrative was created by NWO eugenicists.

The Rise of the Khazars - Part 1

Part 2 coming in December:

The Truth About Contagion by Dr. Sam Bailey

Gary Webb - A Hero Of Authentic Journalism

7 Early Signs of Liver Damage

When Gender Identity Becomes a Custody Tool

Monday, September 2, 2024

Mike Williams on the PTPop Podcast - Cultural Marxism and Pop Culture

Mike joins Pete Tompkins on the PTPop podcast to talk about the Beatles, Tavistock, and the Frankfurt School.

Evidence That Your Mind is NOT Just In Your Brain

Dr. David Martin Drops Bombshells

Trump FUMBLES on Abortion


The Election Ritual: The Illusion Of American Democracy

How to Stop Cops From Searching Your Gun Case

Is Keir Starmer's England going fascist?

What The Media Won't Tell You About Aurora, Colorado

Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Cursed Lore of Shapeshifters

Jordan Maxwell | Extra-Terrestrials, Black Projects & Aerospace Tech

Rise Of A Marxist

Brazil's To Ban X Nationwide

Stew Peters and the Purple Pill Pied Pipers

Old World Structures in the USA?

BRICS Poised to Challenge IMF Predatory Tactics

Operation Sunray | Hunting the Entity in the Tsarichina Hole