Wednesday, September 18, 2024

James Perloff - Here Are My 9/11 Tweets that Twitter/X Suppressed

[Source] Last week, in my post “Yeah, I Got Scammed,” I mentioned that every year, on the anniversary of 9/11, I Tweet out many (100 plus) memes, short videos, and links pertinent to 9/11. The problem is that, starting in 2021, Twitter began an extreme shadowban against me.

According to Microsoft Edge’s AI tool, Copilot, the number of views an un-retweeted Tweet gets should equal about 15-20% of the person’ followers. Screenshot:

Sage of Quay Blog

Based on this, since I have over 25,400 followers, I should be getting around 4,000 to 5,000 views on average—many more if a posting is retweeted.

However, my un-retweeted Tweets are pretty consistently limited to from 170 to 220 views. In other words, as soon they hit around 200 views, Twitter/X automatically shuts them off, preventing them from being further seen in the feeds of my followers.