Saturday, May 4, 2024

'10-foot-tall people' discovered by archaeologists in Nevada cave

Sage of Quay News

[Source] Mythology, folklore and even the Bible tell us that giants once roamed the Earth. And, it turns out, there’s evidence to back this claim.

Extraordinary human remains have been found in the US state of Nevada, with some of the skeletons measuring up to 10 feet tall.

Alongside their jaw-dropping size, the bodies – some of which were said to have been mummified – were found to have had red hair.

This has fuelled the theory, passed down through the ages, that a long-forgotten race of humans once dominated southwestern America.

According to the Paiute, a tribe that settled in the Nevada region thousands of years ago, cannibalistic, red-haired giants called the Si-Te-Cah came to the Americas from a distant island.

Legend has it that the Si-Te-Cah crossed the ocean on rafts made of reeds, and they soon made a name for themselves as being taller, stronger and crueller than ordinary men.

Then, in 1911, while digging for bat guano (a key ingredient in fertilizer) in a cave near the city of Lovelock, Nevada, some miners unearthed a number of strange objects.