Thursday, January 25, 2024

When you disrupt the human cellular system all kinds of damage are imaginable

In this interview, Dr David Rasnick says (slightly paraphrased): "I do not equivocate at all. There is no C19 'vaccine', these are lethal and highly toxic injections. If anyone asks me, I say: 'Do NOT take these injections, you will regret it if you do, they are very, very dangerous'. After a year-and-a-half of looking at this stuff, my personal feeling is that it was never about a 'virus'; the 'virus' was the excuse to inject people with this very toxic stuff. Why? I really think we are in the process of WW3; this is a global takeover. It normally takes at least 10 years to approve a vaccine but we did this in 90 days. No safety studies, no toxicity studies, no efficacy studies, and it will not protect you against getting SARS-CoV-2, which by the way no one has, or from spreading it. This injection offers no advantage, no benefit, but tremendous potential for harm and even death. When you disrupt the human cellular communications system on such a scale as this, all kinds of damage are imaginable".