Sunday, December 31, 2023

Happy New Year! 🥳

REPLAY DOUBLEHEADER - Mike Williams on Real News Australia and Charles Moscowitz

Pushback to Tyranny & Control Increases in 2024 – Catherine Austin Fitts

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Military Masonic Murder (Symbolism)

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Question Everything - Blurring Reality in the Age of Deep Fakes

As artificial intelligence advances, the line between reality and fiction blurs, thanks to the rise of deepfake technology. These deep fakes are becoming widespread in everyday culture which means people should be more aware of how they’re being used in marketing, advertising, and social media.

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Power and Privilege

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Top 5 Psyops The Elite Might Use To Collapse America

Lost Colonies American History X

Keep Your Mouth Shut In A Call Center

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Bluetooth Scan Results on a Plane

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Top 20 Mandela Effects (Best of 2023)

Was The Civil War About Slavery?

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How to Unlock Android Devices to Reveal Human MAC Addresses

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The VAN HALEN Video Game That Was Given Away For Free

Noah's Noble Bloodline

Friday, December 29, 2023

Proof of Life After Death: Hope and a Warning From The Other Side

Investigator, Who Exposed Pedophile Network, Found Dead

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Jon Benet Ramsey

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James Corbett - 2023 Year in Review

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The Informed Consent Imperative - Aaron Siri Testifies

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Devastating Hail Storm DESTROYS Giant Solar Farm

Thursday, December 28, 2023

The Minus IQ Pill

The Truth About the USS Liberty

"For 55 years, we've tried to honor the crew, with little to no support from our government, just like the lack of support we received when we were under attack," Bowen continued from the podium. "Our government has tried to cover the entire attack up as a mere accident. Nothing could be further from the truth."

“My TV News Station FIRED Me For Telling The Truth About C19”

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How the Financial World Will Collapse - Don Fletcher Presentation (1991)

No income tax before 1913. No inheritance tax before 1913. No inflation before 1913. You actually owned property before 1913. Don Fletcher lived in the San Francisco Bay Area (La Honda). He was seized by the IRS in January 2002 and died in prison in April 2004. The video is 3 hours.

Documentary: Out Of Shadows

The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content.

O’Keefe Media Group Inundated With Messages From Whistleblowers

Military Industrial Sector Records $778 Billion Backlog

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The Growing US Military Recruitment Crisis

UN Goal to Destroy West with CO2 & Education Scams

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Publishers of Poppycock

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Thoughts On Milleniyule

Edward Snowden warns about the continued illegal searches and seizures

Tara Reade - HUGE Update

Corporate Kool-Aid Why Do Some People Drink It?

Fact Checking The "Fact Checkers"

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Pope Francis Authorizes WEF To Rewrite 'Fact Checked' Holy Bible?

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The Mysterious Human Heart

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Operation Gladio (NATO Forces)

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“Get Ready To Feel Some Pain” – New Argentine President To Country

Are Corporations Looking for a Christ Like Employee?

The Fairy Tale of Taylor Swift

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Everyone!

Sage of Quay News

Dolly Parton: "Ringo is the only one left of the Beatles"

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Glenn Greenwald - Rumble No Longer in Brazil Following Censorship Demands

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Dr. Merritt: Energetic Medicine: Modern adaptation of Lakhovsky wave oscillator

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Fired NYC Workers Still Facing Hurdles

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The Government’s Plan To Criminalize Your Thoughts! w/ Whitney Webb

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Study Finds Connection with Nanotech

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Weather Warfare & the Kennedy Family Legacy

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Saturday, December 23, 2023

Mike Williams - A Decade of Rockers, Blues and Ballads (2013-2023)

Mike Williams - A Decade of Rockers Mike Williams - A Decade of Blues and Ballads

Max Igan - The Matrix is Collapsing

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Truth or Psyop?

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Official Government Docs Prove Michelle Obama Did NOT Give Birth?

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MASKS OFF: Milei's Change Of Tone, Wall Street Friends and Extreme Harsh Reality Sets In

Giant Trees Of The Past

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Glenn Greenwald - Trump CO Judge Donated to ‘Anti-1/6’ Activist Group

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"Biden" Planning Gun Confiscation Policies

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Biden doesn't run anything. FYI.

Witchcraft & Banking (Occultism Black Magic)

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Friday, December 22, 2023

Mike Williams and Vince Russo - Tavistock, Pop Culture and Taylor Swift

Gigi Young - Live Q&A: December 21, 2023

SCOTUS To Hear Landmark J6 Case

The Miraculous Nature of Water

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The Architect (Parts 1 & 2)

In just 130 years, one specific tribe has managed to not only strangle the commerce of the world with Central Banking, but almost every aspect of cultural appropriation. This has been achieved through media and academic institutions of which they control. They are embedded deep within European and Western governments. The end goal is to destroy these nations, then rule over the ashes of the entire world. They are slowly achieving this, solely due to the apathy and lack of critical thinking by the citizens of these nations. The "architect" plays the victim, which insulates him from criticism and accountability. Our world is in extreme danger if this is not stopped.


Former W.H.O. Consultant, Tess Lawrie, MD, PhD, discusses why global health regulatory agencies' motives are no longer about solving health crises and the powerful influence they have on governments worldwide.


Executives From Sanofi Caught on Leaked Zoom Call Discussing Discriminatory Hiring Practices

Thursday, December 21, 2023

The Memoirs of Billy Shears - The Unofficial Memoirs of Paul McCartney

New Zealand Data Update

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Internal Slide from IBM’s Red Hat Explains ‘How Whiteness Works'

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Winona (Laura Horowitz) Ryder, CIA Hollywood actress

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Expelled 1,030 times?

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Vivek Ramaswamy / Jimmy Dore Interview

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Stew Peters/ Owen Shroyer Discussion

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The Shocking Truth About Our Money System

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Have You Taken The Conspiracy Test? - Questions For Corbett

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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Glenn Greenwald - Musk/X Officially Targeted by EU for Israel “Hate Speech”

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The Beach Boys (PSYOP)

David Icke - Where Does Christmas Come From?

Leaked: Jeffrey Epstein Flight Logs & Passenger List

See the links below the video...

Jeffrey Epstein Flight Logs 

Entire Epstein Flight Logs

US Intel Officer Infiltrates Ukraine War Zone

Is Julian Assange about to walk FREE?

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

The Goodfellas Turkey | Jim Breuer

Watch Jim's full show HERE.

Putin Exposes the Truth About the "Fake" Moon Landings

The Big Hindu Statue Threatens Our Culture? Really?

BitChute Executive Exposes Big Brother Tyranny Of The FISA Dragnet

Masonic Murder (NATO Gladio)

CDC Agrees Fluoride Can Potentially Cause Alzheimer's And Dementia

Trump - Another Puppet Tool of the Elites

Why Was Fauci Appearing Frequently At The CIA?

Monday, December 18, 2023


A World Without Usury

Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice

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Glenn Greenwald - How Congress Just Destroyed Your Privacy Rights

Ethics Schmethics (Pacification & Control Circus Clowns)

5 Most Terrifying Things Humans Have Done to the Earth

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Mike Williams - A Decade of Blues and Ballads (2013-2023)

Buy Mike's A Decade of Rockers album (13 tracks) at Bandcamp.

Mike Williams and Vince Russo - Discussing The Beatles’ Butcher Album and Taylor Swift

Dr. Lee Merritt - Censorship and Information Warfare

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10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week

Rolling Thunder Global Propaganda

Ringo Starr talks about Beatles songs and the "writers"

Supreme Court Accepts J6’ers Case

Meet WEF Klaus Schwab NWO

CDC Not Aware Of Any Evidence Of Fluoride's Benefit To Infants

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Paul McCartney in 1966: "We're limited as a group"

The Mysteries & Implications of The Simulation Theory

The Simulation Theory posits that our reality is akin to a computer-generated simulation, where everything we experience is a product of advanced technology.

Pounding The FINAL NAIL Into America's Coffin

IBM's Red Hat "Allyship Commandments" Reads Like A Religious Text: "ONLY White People Can Be Racist"

World Leader Facing Murder Charges


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Anton LaVey, Church of Satan (Haight Ashbury PSYOPS)

Friday, December 15, 2023

The Beatles Wrote Music Anywhere, Everywhere, All The Time! Correct? NOPE 😲

Obama & Netflix - Prepping The Public For Imminent Depopulation Event?

Fluoride Lawsuit Captures Shocking Admissions on the Record

After decades of ignoring the research about the dangers and hailing water fluoridation as one of the 10 greatest health achievements of the 20th Century (CDC), the government is calling for a reduction in the amount of fluoride it adds to public water supplies, citing its negative effect on teeth (dental fluorosis). For the first time since 1962, the standard for fluoride will be lowered from 1.2 to 0.7 milligrams per liter.

911 Port Facility Murder (Black Rock, Stone, Banker's Heart?)

Shocking Footage Of Complete Collapse On US Border

O’Keefe Media Group - Source from IBM leaks internal Slack posts

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Mike Williams - A Decade of Rockers (2013-2023)

Buy Mike's A Decade of Rockers album (15 tracks) at Bandcamp.

World's Most Advanced AI Says NASA Faked Moon Photos - Interview with Bart Sibrel


Tucker Carlson & Jimmy Dore Interview

Analysis of Hoax News Events

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Glenn Greenwald - Google Loses *Massive* Lawsuit Against Epic Games

Obama’s Netflix Film Targets Propaganda Designed To DEBUNK Conspiracy Theorists

Alex Jones Interviews Elon Musk About Humanity's Ultimate Destiny

James O'Keefe talks with IBM Whistleblowers

Whitney Webb - "They've been PLANNING this cyber attack for years"

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Big Bro and the Blog - More Shenanigans

Putin Declares Schwab Is a 'Legitimate Military Target'

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Judge Dismisses Robert Malone's Lawsuit Against Dr. Jane Ruby

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Italian Health Minister Now Under Investigation For Murder

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Quotations by other people (not me)

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Ex CIA Agent Revealed They Created Gangster Rap

Federal civil rights complaint filed today against IBM

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Maria Z and Liz Gunn (NZ)

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Roberto Calvi, God's Freemason Banker (Bank of Vatican)

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Tucker Carlson Interviews Alex Jones

Biden, Media Gaslight People about Inflation

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Mask study...

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LOST EUROPE: The Druids and Human Sacrifice

Scott Ritter - "Ukraine will surrender and Zelensky is FINISHED"

Monday, December 11, 2023

Are We In A Simulation? | Gigi Young



Expert DEMOLISHES Establishment Story About WTC Bldg. 7 Collapse

Occult Symbolism (Anne Heche & Benedict Canyon)

West's "New" Strategy for Ukraine Victory: Same as the Old One & Why it Can't Work...

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Google REMOVES Sage of Quay Blog

The blog was taken down by Google on the heels of the NZ disclosure:

Glenn Greenwald - The Ukraine Narrative Fully Implodes

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CIA's MK-Ultra Infiltration of Media - ROBERT SEPEHR

The Great Replacement

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Think Tanks

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Owen Shroyer Gives First Interview After His Release From Prison

Henry Kissinger

Brand New Mandela Effects

FDA Approves Gene Editing

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Hunter Biden INDICTED

Putin Told Moon Landing Photos Are Fake

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Glenn Greenwald: Nikki Haley Exposed as Neocon Fraud & Corporatist Shill

Missing Flight MH370 - UFO Orbs Debunked - UPDATE w/ Ashton Forbes

Chinese White Lung

Pfizer Lawsuit

Increase in MAYDAY Calls


WEF Orders Governments To Arrest Whistleblowers

Committee of 300, Egyptian Occultism

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Jim Breuer: “Unfortunately humanity doesn’t believe that evil exists"